Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Eighth Wonder Of The World

Wonder Wonder

I wonder what we left off

As I sit thinking about the wonders of the world I see that there was one left out

One that shine through the darkness of these Northern Nights

It sails across my eyes with this wonderful glow

Creating this intriguing display of beauty that the world must see

Tough and rough without the back breaking edges of the Canyon walls

As a calm streams flow through its every crack from year of preparation

But when you sit back, you see the beauty that time has created

In the roaring fire of the Paricutin volcano

Curve like the cone that two has watch and grow to a beautiful site for mankind

Warm to the touch with a temper that can run the face and can affect the land that it stands on

With the calm cool flow of the waters of the Victoria Falls

Downstream through every bit of the being that you are

Then supplies fresh nutriment to everyone below to bring them up

Which has lived in harmony with the thing to its left and its right

That has cause her to created this Great Barrier Reef in its own community

Where everyone can share food water and even the natural sunlight that shines on everyone

With a mind that stenches the highest peak of Mount Everest

At the peak to look over the world to say “I can do more”

Where it has taken more knowledge to tackle this hard and unforgiving world

Then it has brought you to a majestic and mysterious beautiful that hides in a collection of mountains lines

No matter where you stand or at what part of the world you can see why you cannot take it in one day

They called this 7 naturally created wonder of the world Harbour of Rio de Janeiro

The 8th nartual wonder of the world that has every bit of the 7 before them


YOU my dear

And I thank God for that creation alone

Take Me Away

Take me to where the oceans breathe life

Where the sea and land meets

Where the body’s stress can run off by the flow of water

In a stream of joy and happiness

Take me where the moon and meet the earth

In the clouds where they rap around the earth

As the sea floats the spirit of life

Take me where the wind blows through nature and returns back to and back again

In natures Seven Wonders of the World

Take me where you subtract three you get the four elements that has created

Where they combined at one point to created something soft as the earth we walk on

To something that is strong as a diamond

Take me where your flawless state is molded in precious hands

Every detail is taken into a count

And After its done it presents a masterpiece like no other

Take me where the mountains meet the door of heaven

And show me what God graces has to offer after serving him

Take me and show me who I am

From the boy I play childish games

To a Man where I put those games away

Take me on the wings of a dove gracefully over the backdrop of the northern lights

Take me here and there

Show me what the world is

Then take me back to you because that far enough I want to b taken

Friday, October 2, 2009

Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why

Who are you

What brought you to me

When did you come here

Where did you come did you come to me

How do you know me

And Why did you choose me

These was the question I ask myself when you step in my life

You were like anything I have never seen

Someone that blow away that first time

Showed me who I am

Brought me where I should be

Gave me the tools to help me how to developed

When these few months has past I feel something where nothing lived in till now

Where did this feeling come from

How did I get this way

Why does it feel so good

Just a few questions running through my head

Lost to the fact that I do not know what the answer are

Where to get them from

How to get there

Or who should I turn to I am just force to walk the life questioning myself

Or do you have the answers


Caramel, Chocolate, and Dark Chocolate

All great favors but with one to choose

Caramel you light and sweet

Thick like maltase

Chocolate beautiful brown tone

The cover of strawberries and other fruits

Now Dark Chocolate you’re the healthiest of them all

I can fill your help slide down my throat

So how do I choose the best

Should I get the one that covers my apples oh so well

The one that covers my ice cream with a sweet paste

Or the one that covers those nuts in y candy bar

That’s a tough question I can’t make a choice.

Emotion of Men

Sorrow, Anger, Happiness, and Love

Can you see it behind these tore eyes

Can you feel emotion from the embracement of him

You might not

Even behind this exterior of caulis hands and rough skin

Lay an understanding of mankind

Having the feelings of broken hearts

With a feeling of being brought down to their knees

Being told we are worth less than most but better than some

But we have became the best at hiding this pain those emotions

So what is a woman to do?

How are you able to put something out of pit-less well

Dig through something harder then diamond because of the pressure that has been on him

Break down a wall that is made up from the layer and layer of pain and heartache from life

You break out the bucket and rope because no well is to deep to find water

You get your diamond shovel and digs pass all the pain

Then you look for the biggest sledge hammer to break down this wall of heartache

All and all what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

And love conquers all

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On the Edge

Breath in Breath out

Breath in and Breath out

What have I done

What could have cause it

How did I end up here

How did I go from the life of a millionaire

With endless resources and power

To cleaning out garbage cans on 5th Ave

Fast cars good food to holes in shoes and rotation

Having the love of my to losing her in a blink of an eye

From holding her one day to rubbing her hand next to the hospital

The warmth of her lying on my chest to the cold isolated casket

I still have money but why do I choose to live this way

What has but me on the edge of ending my life

As walking this fine line of life and death

What has keep me in this endless state of mind

What gives me hope to continue on

Buy flowers and put it at her feet and go on with the day

Alcohol and drugs won’t be able to fill the void I feel

From the kiss of her lips I miss

The smile when I wake up in the morning

The smell I come from the bathroom

The dance of elegant that we have had in the morning air

What has put me on this edge

I sit there under the trees thinking what put me here on this edge

It has been a year since I seen her

I feel her when I am asleep

I hear her in my ear

I smell her still on my clothes

Each breeze that comes over my face warms my heart

Will I ever come out of the grievance

Return to the place we live final after a year as if we left it

Clean up and put on the necklace that reminds me of you

Return to the grave super glue it to your grave

Now I need to return back to the life that I have created for us

Because I know in this heart where you lie forever

That you would not want me on the edge of life

Keeping me from walking this fine line of life and death

And I have chosen life or death

Happiness over turmoil

Light then darkness

And I see the life at the end of the tunnel

And that light is and always will be you


Someone call 911

I have been shot

Hello Operation

Yes how may I help you

Yes I have been shot


In a place where the home is

A place where emotions for someone else live and grow into something great

I have been shot and I don’t know if I can recover from this right now

I feel like I am dying

Hold on sir help is on the way


How can you help admen something that has been broken into something that can’t be recognize

Is there a crime to take away those feelings and leaving me like this

To leave me in this state

To put me on this edge of life

Where I am dying of not loving you

Sir what are you suffering from

Operator I am suffering from a broken heart and I cause it

Can you help me with that

Sir we only help with emergencies

Well that is an emergency in its self

Then you can’t help everyone

Saturday, May 30, 2009



I can see you there behind the door

I can hear your foot steps from a far

I can taste sweatness on my lips as if you was here

I can feel the warmth of your skin lingering

I can smell your life force

As I get up to get to you it seem like a never ending hallway

I turn the corner and it seems like I am running in circles

I see you running up the stairs

I proceed but yet again it seems like I am stop

By this never ending creation on stair

So I give up the chase

Then with a whisper from your lips you say

“Never give up on something that you love”

With the new determination of love I start back over

From the ever ending hallway

The endless running in circle

Now for the climb up the stair away

I feel half-way there and I reach for you and you reach back

As I am getting closer and closer

I can see you there behind the door

I can hear your foot steps from a far

I can taste sweatness on my lips as if you was here

I can feel the warmth of your skin lingering

I can smell your life force

But then as I get closer to see your face

I am blind fold then I feel a kiss that sends warmth down my spine

Then a hand on my chest as if I can feel our heart beats as one

I hear you take a breath of love

The smell of your perfume

Even though I am blinded I still see the beauty of you

As you lend down to give another kiss

I am awaken by my alarm clock for my day

I look to the left and look to the right and see no one

Hear the cars drive by

Smell the garbage being picked up

Touch the sweat of my face

And the taste of morning breathe

As I get dress and reach over to pick up a towel that was left on my bed I smell you again

Then it all comes back me again

But yet you’re not here

It was only a dream

But can you be real for me

Or just a dream to me


Charlston L. Manning


Friday, April 3, 2009


As day calls and night falls everything changes
Life Slows down
We slow down
As we retreat to the comfort of each other present
We see a glow that the night only brings out
As we take off these morning clothes and get into nighttime attire
Run the water of relaxation
Have the stream relax the nerves of the morning commute
From the many cups of coffee and tea
Let’s take in the taste the lips satisfaction and the smells of a warm bath
Full of the aroma of Jasmine and honey
Have the bubble caress you like a new dress
Let the sounds of peace full the air around us
Dancing to the music that brought us together
Let you feel the smiles of life consume you with pure joy
As you feel the resonation of passion feel the air
Touch my body, feel my hand, rub my skin, feel my kiss, and caress what is yours
Once to lay down forgetting about the day ahead just enjoy loving each other
Feeling something that not even with the calls during the day nothing can compare to the closeness at night
Cuddle up rub your leg up against mines warm soft
As we lay down 4 the night hold each other, we wake up abreast ready for the day ahead
Knowing that we will start this cycle over and over again for the nights to come

In the eyes of Men

Stand back and can you see what I see
Can you taste what I am able to taste
Feel the skin of a silky soft ribbon that forms your body
Can you close your eyes and see what I see
Can you see the way your body as mature from birth
The definition your body shows
The curves the mature has created
The ways everything bow out
Or how the sunlight cascade over your skin
The wind blow the breathe of beauty into your body
I see the rib that God has taken from has created a divine compensation
With eyes that can bright up a day
Lips that are softer then clouds on earth
I see skin that only are reversed for goddess
These dedicated hands that you place on my face are warm to the touch
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Then these eyes have behold you
Now do you really see on is in the eyes of Men

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What If

What if I was the man for you?

Would you let me be him?

What if I tell I am not like the other men you meet

Would you give me a chance

What if I was the man willing to pick up the pieces

Would you fight with me to try and show me that I can't

What if you meet me in the a weirdest way

Would you still try and get to know me

What if I can hold you like no one ever could

Can you hold me the same way

What is I cater to your every need

May I get the same

What if I listen to your every problem

Would you help me solve mines

What if your friends said I wasn't the man for you

Would you listen to them

What if I rub your skin to the point that it made you feel a different way

Would you fight the thought that it might be real

What if with this kiss I can release you from the mental bond that you had from the other guy

Would you kiss me the way that shows you that you really want me

What if another man came and offers almost the same thing

Would he come before me

What if I can make you feel better when you're mad

Could you prevent me from getting mad

What if with this hug I can take you away from this cruel world

Would you bring me back to reality with a kiss of your lips

What if with the thought of see me soon could brighten up the day around you

Would you tell me

What if each time I called you act like a high school girl and tell your friends how the conversation went

What if I call you

Would you stop whatever you doing to see what's up

What if you have a problem

Would I be the first one you tell

What if you come to me after a hard day

Would you let me put your mind at ease

What if I was the first one to say "I Love You"

Would you be in shock that I said it first

While read this poem

What if I send chills down your body

Would you let me know

What if I was right about every one of these statements

Would you still think that it is not possible for a man to be like this

What if every word makes you want to be closer to me every day for now on

What if these wasn't statements

But was question could you answer them

What if I already know the answer to them

Would you still tell me

What if these statement wasn't statement or these wasn't question with no answer

But me knowing what is going on in your mind

Are you shock

What if these wasn't what was going on in your mind but is going on of woman like you around the world

Could it be true

That one man knows what is going on in the mind of every good woman that finds that man for them that has been hurt before

I bet you the big question running though your mind is

What If He Is Right

What If

What If

The Power of Words

A, B, and C

These letters won’t do you justice

But when I use these letters to create word that can describe your mind and body

I am able to set fire to your senses that command you’re every thought

As you sit here and read this your able to feel as I feel tell that even the complexity of this poem

Show you that I can express my feeling even though the words on this page

The words that I can use to describe your body firstly

Powerful Words like soft, beautiful, smooth, divine

Then we can use technical terms like I can run my hands over your Gluteus maximum

Or over your Pectorals Major where your mammary glands are held

The power in words can make you even forget the world around you

Words as simple in complexity as love and hate can have an endless amount of meanings

But when these simple world are use to describe you and me the world that comes to mind is


This word can say that our relationship knows no limits the way we can express the feeling that comes over us

The way I can wake up and still feel you next to me even when hundreds of miles away from each other

As I get to this point in the poem I can feel that you want to cry

Because of this overwhelming expression of feelings someone has never had for you can come out in only one page.

Well my love I just show you THE POWER OF WORDS

Muscail Feelings II

K-Ci & JoJo said it best

Because All My Life I pray for someone like you

As I Watch You from a far

The First Time I touch you within those 4Minutes

I could Read Your Mind

That you were that Sweet Lady or that One

Girl you were in the Right Place at The Wrong Time

Cause Hopefully you can Teach Me how to love

Because Only God Knows you must have Walk out of Heaven

The Heaven Only Knows you’re the right one for me

And I am here to make you Smile.

As I put my Right Hand up and Promise that I Swear

Not to Leave nor for sake you

Now you’re my Good luck Charm

I am Joe and I Wanna Know

Because I will do What Your Man won’t Do

As I put you to Bed from that long bath you had

Now Your Body Is Calling Me

If I didn’t Know Better

I would Call it Love

You got me Hooked like a Drug

I am ready to Feast on you

When we make Love the sound is shhhhhh

I do not want anybody to hear you scream

From Sweet Love to Passion

From Passion to Unspoken words

Do You Mind If I want to touch right there

As we do it Over and Over again

As begin to de part our separate ways

Remember this

You can call on me for Anything

Like Jagged Edge

You are my Good luck Charm

Moonlight Stroll

Let me take you outside in the dark

Have the moon grasp your skin

Make dark skin look like chocolate

Light skin look like caramel under the moon's light

Come on take a walk with me!

Relax have the sand massage your feet as I would

Now sit on it have it warm your body like love warms your heart

Talk to me like the hummingbird talk 2 the flower for it nectar.

The moon calms our sprits and helps our hearts

Tonight the moon is our star

I dictated it to me and you

It for the love we have for one another, our care

So believe that magic is in the air.

So enjoy it because

It will be happening for the next few years.

You know I love you girl

Right now we have the Moon

Someday girl I will Give You The World


Life, Life, Life, Life

In my life I have seen the good, bad and the ugly

Good to the point of getting that accepted little to college

Bad to the bone for the people trying to achieve in this money hungry world

U G L Y with no alibi of seeing your classmates in a casket lifeless and a wake hearing the silence of friends and family walk by.

While having the fate to love and have happiness

Life’s fate has let me to become a man to help society

Instead of this man standing there as another statistics of the world

Which made me give love to everyone

For the happiness or the world

Why can’t people eat, sleep and breathe this

While I eat the books of knowledge and hope

Sleep and dream about the equation of life

When I breathe in the fresh air of this degree in success

I find out that the three dimension of life Length, Breadth, and Height

As I go to any Length to first care about myself

While caring about the Breadth of that man that became another stat of this county

While teaching him about what Heights God can take anyone to

I sit here in this chair with my head down

Jamming to the beat of

Life, Life, Life, Life

I am

I am the man behind every good woman

But I am not found by most

Who Am I

I am the man who wakes up in the morning goes to work

And comes back to an empty house

Still don’t know Who I am

I am the well educate man that has goals and Aspiration

But you consider the best friend next to your gay friend

Still think of Who I am

I am the man who sits there and listen to your every problem

And try to help u solve it

Is it being coming clearer now

You tell me all the time that “there aren’t any good men in the world”

Yet I stand in front of you with no recognition

I am the man you thank after God, your mother, grandma, our kids and other family members

But you are blinded your our passion in life to success when I am here to help you

Yet I am is rejected

My only want is for you to be happy

But I am told by you to try hard and get more

Now you see me it all clear now

Because I am the great man behind the woman

That’s who I am


I can see you with my eyes close

Feel you in my arms while you’re not here

Smell you on your pillow as I turn over

Your Present warms my bed while I am alone.

Soft lips innocent eyes

Cute hips virgin thigh

Strong abs firm ass

Small hands big brains

Sweet smell tasty tongue

This is what you are

Can I have you I don’t know

Will I be able to touch you I wish

All I can do is dream

For that woman

That One

The Perfect one

Because BEAUTIFUL is what you are

So are you true


I found it though the eyes of my mother

Quietness of running track while people scream my name

The silentness of my pen hitting the paper

The book that would never stay close

From the shadow of the moon at my window

From the breeze that comes over me on a hot summer day

In the company of people without worry

From the comfort of a warm blanket on a cold day

In the music that fills the air around me as I dance to the beat

From the birth of your child

In the smile of your lover

There touch, there smell, there sense of closeness, the warmth of their heart beat

The ring that give everlasting love

Happiness you can find it everywhere now it is your time to start looking for


I Make No Apologies

I make no apologies for who I am


From the tip of this curly dark brown hair

Down to the shoes I wear

As the dragon raps around my arm

For my ancestors 400 plus years of this

I will not accept nor have my hopes up for anymore broke promises from anyone

I make no apologies for the heart broken neighborhood that made the man today

I accept no apologies from the people that said I wouldn’t make it

I make no apologies for the same reason that I was one of the few men to make it out of these hoods

That has force me to hold my head high and for my chest to poke out

I make no apologies that I was born into a poor family

I make no apologies for having a few of the strongest black women in my life behind me

That has told me to hold fast to what I want in life

I make no apologies to the people that said to me that I am a geek

But look at me now

I strongly make no apologies for having more ambitions then the next guy

Going after three majors instead of one

I will not accept any apologies from anybody that blames there unsuccessful life on a person

Because I didn’t have my father but I know how to be a man

I most defiantly will not accept any apologies from men calling females bitches and hoes because they don’t know their names

Learn them

Women you aren’t safe either

I will not accept for any reason why you can’t carry yourself as a woman.

And let men degrade you like cattle

I will not make any apologies for these things because I am a man

And because of that I carry myself as such

I have found out that men don’t make apologies for who they are

They only accept it and move on

This is why I will not and cannot make no apologies for the man I am

So why are you!!!!