Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Eighth Wonder Of The World

Wonder Wonder

I wonder what we left off

As I sit thinking about the wonders of the world I see that there was one left out

One that shine through the darkness of these Northern Nights

It sails across my eyes with this wonderful glow

Creating this intriguing display of beauty that the world must see

Tough and rough without the back breaking edges of the Canyon walls

As a calm streams flow through its every crack from year of preparation

But when you sit back, you see the beauty that time has created

In the roaring fire of the Paricutin volcano

Curve like the cone that two has watch and grow to a beautiful site for mankind

Warm to the touch with a temper that can run the face and can affect the land that it stands on

With the calm cool flow of the waters of the Victoria Falls

Downstream through every bit of the being that you are

Then supplies fresh nutriment to everyone below to bring them up

Which has lived in harmony with the thing to its left and its right

That has cause her to created this Great Barrier Reef in its own community

Where everyone can share food water and even the natural sunlight that shines on everyone

With a mind that stenches the highest peak of Mount Everest

At the peak to look over the world to say “I can do more”

Where it has taken more knowledge to tackle this hard and unforgiving world

Then it has brought you to a majestic and mysterious beautiful that hides in a collection of mountains lines

No matter where you stand or at what part of the world you can see why you cannot take it in one day

They called this 7 naturally created wonder of the world Harbour of Rio de Janeiro

The 8th nartual wonder of the world that has every bit of the 7 before them


YOU my dear

And I thank God for that creation alone

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