Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am

I am the man behind every good woman

But I am not found by most

Who Am I

I am the man who wakes up in the morning goes to work

And comes back to an empty house

Still don’t know Who I am

I am the well educate man that has goals and Aspiration

But you consider the best friend next to your gay friend

Still think of Who I am

I am the man who sits there and listen to your every problem

And try to help u solve it

Is it being coming clearer now

You tell me all the time that “there aren’t any good men in the world”

Yet I stand in front of you with no recognition

I am the man you thank after God, your mother, grandma, our kids and other family members

But you are blinded your our passion in life to success when I am here to help you

Yet I am is rejected

My only want is for you to be happy

But I am told by you to try hard and get more

Now you see me it all clear now

Because I am the great man behind the woman

That’s who I am

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