As I run through the list of reason why this day might be special
I can only think about why you are special to you me
The way you go to school in the morning and go to work at night
Still have time to kiss me to sleep
You run to my aid when I need you
You are my black bone
My strength through the days of the passing of great people in my life
As I continue to run you through my mind I can think about your warmth
The way I wake up next to you with a smile
Just to get up to make you your morning coffee
Help you start off your long day of adventure
But today I am going to cancel your classes
Call off work for you
Send you out of town on a mental roller-coaster
With fine wine great food
We done even have to leave the house
I know you done with the outside world
Tonight it will be mines and your world
Do not worry about the no one knocking on the door
You are my gift and blessing to this world
Just do not want to end this night because I know it will be awhile for this to happen again
You are my Valentine’s day and I said happy to me.
Charlston Manning